More than $10,000 Raised by Students, Staff, Faculty and Community
Northeast Connecticut, once again, showed their outpouring of support for students at Quinebaug Valley Community College on #GIVINGTUESDAY. As of this morning, the Foundation received $10,053 in donations, which exceeds the 2017 effort by $3,000.
#GivingTuesday is celebrated annually on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving. QVCC President Dr. Carlee Drummer and husband Michael matched donations up to $2,500. Dr. Drummer stated, “My husband Michael and I strongly believe in the power of community college education. So many QVCC students would not be able to attend college without financial support received. Giving Tuesday brings into clear focus the true meaning of this beautiful season. In the words of
Kathy Calvin, President of the United Nations Foundation, ‘Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference.’”
Students in QVCC Acapella took charge in collecting on-campus donations. Monique Wolanin, Director of Institutional Advancement said, “#GIVINGTUESDAY really takes place year round as hundreds of community members always “step up” and show their belief in education as a “hand-up.” Special thanks to Kevin Cole and his team at Zip’s Diner, Gary and Karen Osbrey at WINY, and Carlee and Michael Drummer for their roles in making this year’s our best yet!”
The QVCC Foundation Mission is to raise funds so all residents of northeast Connecticut have the opportunity to attend QVCC regardless of income and to support educational excellence, technological advancement, and professional development at the College. The Foundation also serves as the Regional Advisory Council to the College.
Released: November 28, 2018