Go #NoLo!
Has the high cost of textbooks deterred you from purchasing one? Has this put you at a disadvantage in your course? Have you even chosen not to register for a course because the cost of your textbook was too high? You’re not alone. Since 2006, the cost of college textbooks has increased by 73% – more than four times the rate of inflation*.
(*Source: Consumer Price Index: Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Did you know?
Instead of the traditional textbook, QVCC offers classes that use alternative materials that mean less cost to you!
The alternative materials are known as OER – Open Educational Resources – which are freely accessible materials for teaching, learning, assessment and research. Instructors may also use free web-based materials, library resources, older editions – there are many ways to put together a high-quality #NoLo class!

Benefits for Students
#NoLo classes can offer drastic savings in the cost of your education by saving you money that you would normally spend on traditional textbooks.
Because you can afford your materials, you can have them right from the start of the semester, so you can make the most of them to support your learning.

Finding #NoLo Classes in the Schedule
Open up the class schedule. Look for the label #NoLo located in the Course Title. Once you’ve identified the #NoLo course, check out the cost of course materials by clicking on “textbook info”. You should find that these textbooks are significantly less expensive or even free!
Important: Because some #NoLo courses use electronic materials rather than printed textbooks, you may need regular and reliable Internet access in order to complete course work. #NoLo only refers to textbook cost. Please make sure to check courses for fees or supply costs. If you have any questions, please contact the instructor for the course you’re considering.