Multi-ethnic group of teenagers at school, outdoors

Group of college students

adult education: mature learners during a break from class


Fall traditional age students


2021-2022 Interim SGA Secretary


Photo of 2021-2022 SGA Offficer, Kamila Correa


Photo of Interim 2021-2022 Treasurer, Liam Blanchflower

Dana Normandie

Photo of Dana Normandie

21-22 SGA President

Find Yourself at QVCC

two students

Bree Weidele 2021

Picture of 2020-2021 SGA President, Bree Weidele

SGA President, Bree Weidele

Tyler Fitts

Photo of Tyler Fitts

Photo of 2020-2021 SGA Rep to the SAC, Tyler Fitts