Virtual Blackboard Orientation

Get Familiar with Online Learning If you are taking online, live remote and hybrid courses at Quinebaug Valley Community College you should attend this orientation. Blackboard is used for course communications, assignments, tests, projects, and grades. Log-in information Pauline Clifford's Personal Webex Room 643865865 Join by video system Dial and enter your host PIN […]

Virtual Blackboard Orientation

Get Familiar with Online Learning If you are taking online, live remote and hybrid courses at Quinebaug Valley Community College you should attend this orientation. Blackboard is used for course communications, assignments, tests, projects, and grades. Log-in information Pauline Clifford's Personal Webex Room Join by video system Dial and enter your host PIN . […]

Blackboard Orientation in Willimantic

Willimantic Center 729 Main Street, Willimantic , CT

Get Familiar with Online Learning If you are taking online, live remote and hybrid courses at Quinebaug Valley Community College you should attend this orientation. Blackboard is used for course communications, assignments, tests, projects, and grades. This will be held in-person at our 729 Main Street location. No appointment is required. Please follow the College […]

Virtual Blackboard Orientation

Get Familiar with Online Learning If you are taking online, live remote and hybrid courses at Quinebaug Valley Community College you should attend this orientation. Blackboard is used for course communications, assignments, tests, projects, and grades. Log-in information Pauline Clifford's Personal Webex Room Join by video system Dial and enter your host PIN . […]

Virtual Blackboard Orientation

Get Familiar with Online Learning If you are taking online, live remote and hybrid courses at Quinebaug Valley Community College you should attend this orientation. Blackboard is used for course communications, assignments, tests, projects, and grades. Log-in information Pauline Clifford's Personal Webex Room Join by video system Dial and enter your host PIN . […]